Sports & Games
Loyola not only excels in intellectual field but also in the Games and Sports field. It has produced players in the State, National and International levels. Besides the dail games hour, the following games are organized and played on an intramural and extramural basis: Hockey, Cricket,Basket Ball, Foot Ball, Volley Ball, Badminton,Table Tennis and Lawn Tennis. We have a Skating rink for the students who are interested in it.
List of Games/Sports we train our Students

Our School is facilitated with Gym also to motivate students towards health & fitness.
The years a child spends in the school should enable him/her to acquire sound principles of conduct and action and lay a solid foundation for true and purposeful living when he/she grows up. Principles of honesty, trust, co-operation, self-reliance, hard work and pursuit of excellence are inculcated through various school activities. In these activities the student learns to do things for him/her self. Accordingly, facilities are provided for a variety of games and sports and other co-curricular activities.